Celebrate Malaysia’s Diversity with a Captivating Generative AI Music Video for Hari Kemerdekaan and Hari Malaysia 2023

TM introduces AIDENTITI™ KITA, an innovative campaign that blends music and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to celebrate Malaysia’s rich diversity this Bulan Kebangsaan.
Aligning with TM’s mission to bring new technologies to everyday Malaysians, the campaign showcases the country’s people and traditions through a unique digital perspective and inclusive on-ground engagements where communities from all walks of life can experience AI up close.
The campaign debuts with Malaysia’s first Bulan Kebangsaan music video made with Generative AI that translates the nation’s rich culture and heritage into captivating digital art and scenes using text prompts. The music video features the talents of MK (K-Clique), Suki Low and Balan Kash.
Amar Huzaimi Md Deris, TM’s Group Chief Executive Officer said, “As the pioneer of a Digital Malaysia, TM envisions AIDENTITI™ KITA as a catalytic engine for evolving perspectives, catalysing efforts to bridge the digital gap, and aligning Malaysia with advanced nations in the digital realm. This commitment also aligns with The National Artificial Intelligence Roadmap, with AI as one of the foundation technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution.”
“The campaign also embodies the core of our brand promise, ‘Your Next is Now’, as well as our unwavering commitment to introducing cutting-edge technologies and ensuring their accessibility to all Malaysians. By doing so, we contribute to propelling Malaysia towards its high-tech nation aspirations by 2030, while ushering in a future defined by purpose and boundless possibilities,” Amar added.
Inclusivity takes centre stage as TM invites the public to co-create their AIDENTITI™ using the company’s AI platform, with a chance to be showcased on digital billboards nationwide. Detailed participation information can be found at tm.com.my/aidentitikita.
TM Joins Forces with APOM for #Empatbelas Series, Celebrating Malaysia’s Unique Identities
As part of the Bulan Kebangsaan celebrations, TM is also collaborating with A Piece of Malaysia (APOM) for the 2023 #empatbelas series. This collaboration celebrates each of Malaysia’s 14 states through creative expressions and specially designed APOM merchandise.
Through APOM #empatbelas2023, TM underscores its support for local creative talents across the nation, aligning seamlessly with the AIDENTITI™ KITA campaign’s goal of celebrating diverse backgrounds and ideas.
#Empatbelas2023 merchandise will be available from 31st August 2023 at https://apom.my.
Unifi customers will be able to enjoy 10% off all APOM merchandise, terms and conditions will apply.